Welcome To Exodus Squared.

This is not your typical blog. Here, instead of an online journal, four friends will each contribute - through their blog posts - to an ongoing story titled Destiny's Plan. The characters are each examples of the everyday heros you might find in a Galaxy Far Far Away...

This is a work of Fan Fiction. It takes place in George Lucas' Star Wars universe, roughly between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of The Jedi. The plot and characters are the property of those who write them, the universe and all things Star Wars is property of LucasFilm LTD and the Flannel Man himself, George Lucas.

Be sure to check back often for the latest updates to the story.

Enjoy The Show

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Sleeping pills had been unnecessary. Allie woke with a start as she started to slide off the counter top. She caught herself, and waited for her mind to join her body in the present. The other occupants in the room had turned to look at her, save the unconcious Bothan on the floor. It only took a few seconds for recognition to dawn on Allie, but, "Where...? Where are we?"

"Tantor," the imperial smuggler replied.

"Right. More...." Allie waved her hand, "More... specifically?"

"A rebel hide-out," the medic helpfully answered.

Allie slowly examined the room. It had a lot more bright lights and makeup and considerably less arms and technology than Allie would have expected of a respectable military hideout, but what the frell. At least they had style. Having lost the attention of the others, Allie ventured over to a door in the back corner that she failed to see when they first came in, and cautiously reached for its old-fashioned handle. The medic, unnoticed to Allie, was looking intently at the other door, which opened just as Allie's fingers had reached the knob. Allie drew her hand back as if it had been burned, and whirled around. The smuggler was already on his feet with his hand at his blaster. The slim young man standing in the doorway shifted uncomfortably, eyeing the Imperial. Clearing his throat he said, "I was sent about an injured member of your group?" His eyes lighted on the Bothan, still out cold.

Allie heard their Medic sigh. "Yes, thank you..." she said. Then Allie stopped listening, and resolutely opened the mysterious door.

"Hey!" She exclaimed. "There's a shower in here!" And without waiting for any sort of response, she walked in and closed the door. Just moments later, running water could be heard from outside.

When Allie reappeared in the dressing room, only Ta-what's-his-name remained. He was no longer sitting, but prowling about the room.

"Where'd they go?" Allie asked, wringing out her hat on the floor.

Tack stared at Allie, whose dripping clothes were currently forming a puddle around the base of her soaked shoes.

"You took a shower with your clothes on?" He said, bewildered.

Allie bit her lip, squinted at him uncertainly, wandered aimlessly about the room. "Um. Is this a trick question?"

"No. Nevermind," he soundlessly shook his head. "They came with a stretcher for the Bothan. Jola went with them to help."

"Oh. When will Jola be back?" Allie asked, taking a seat on a bit of floor she hadn't yet dripped on.

"I don't know."

"Oh." There was a protracted silence. Then, "I did take shower with my clothes on."


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